CH7 – The Road to Revolution

Click the image to download Logan Hamlyn’s Causes of the American Revolution Graphic Organizer (AP scholarship at its best!)
Time Frame: 1763-1775
Objectives: At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Explain the ideas of republicanism and radical Whiggery that Britain’s American colonists had adopted by the eighteenth century.
- Whig History– History of the Whig philosophy and its influence on American colonists.
- Describe the theory and practice of mercantilism, and explain why Americans resented it.
- Mercantilism– What it was and how it led to the American Revolution.
- Explain why Britain adopted policies of tighter political control and higher taxation of Americans after 1763 and how these policies sparked fierce colonial resentment.
- Colonists Protest British Policies — Video
- Describe the first major new British taxes on the colonies and how colonial resistance forced repeal of all taxes, except the tax on tea, by 1770.
- The Tea Act– The document writings of the act.
- Townshend Duties, The Tea Tax and the Boston Tea Party– Different parliamentary acts and reactions from American colonists.
- Explain how colonial agitators kept resistance alive from 1770–1773.
- The 13 Colonies Video —– Boston Tea Party
- Indicate why the forcible importation of taxable British tea sparked the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts, and the outbreak of conflict between Britain and the colonists.
- Office of the Historian – Milestones – 1750-1775 – Parliamentary taxation of colonies
- Assess the balance of forces between the British and the American rebels as the two sides prepared for war.
- Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789 – America During the Age of Revolution, 1764-1775 – (American Memory from the Library of Congress)– How the Continental Congress responded to Parliament and the King of England.
- The 13 Colonies Video —– Declaration of Independence
- Boston Tea Party & American Revolution Facts (thanks Connor!)
- Causes of the American Revolution
Graphic organizer with illustrations by Logan Hamlyn. - Causes of the American Revolution
Graphic organizer by Rebecca Eldredge - Daily Life in the Colonies (thanks Mia!)
- Hygiene in Colonial America
Suggested by Ben Powell - American Revolution Guide
Student-suggested. Highlights some NYC spots worth visiting. - War/4_Unit Content.pdf – An outline detailing the entire unit.
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